Rational Precision Instrument Co., Ltd.
Address: Xiangshan Central Road, Xiangshan Industrial Park, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China
Tel: +86-769-85316127
Fax: +86-769-85330106
Solution for Solar Printing Plate Measuring
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Solution for Solar Printing Plate Measuring
Application: measure the length, width, and distance of the grid of solar printing plates
Solution and advantages:
1. Positioning (MARK) recognition function is available. Whether the same printing plate MARK is coated with sensitization, it can be measured by choosing this function, and can be finished by the same user program, no need to repeat programming
2. Rational CNC VMS, a multi-purpose machine, can measure regular finished product, oblique grid width, straight grid (no branch) width auto measuring, straight grid (no branch) semi-film drawings measuring, etc.
3. Straight grid (no branch) semi-finished product film drawings measuring, is available in fast programming function with just only 12s (TIANQIN needs 10min).
4. Straight grid (no branch) semi-finished product film drawings measuring is available in exporting to .DXF file, which can be used to film drawings directly, without the need to move to half a grid to the center.
5. Straight grid (no branch) semi-finished product film drawings can be measured even the plate frame is not flat. The proprietary multi-focusing-point to locate the workpiece function will guarantee the clearness of every measured points as finding edge.
6. Straight grid (no branch) semi-finished product film drawings measuring supports “Z” shape measuring and will improve the measuring efficiency effectively.
7. Straight grid (no branch) semi-finished product film drawings measuring can be automatically connected during programming or measuring, which will improve the efficiency.
8. Straight grid (no branch) semi-finished product film drawings measuring supports distance calibration, which will guarantee the accuracy of the distance between 2 lines and the overall distance, and the information can be input in Excel report as required.
9. 0.7X - 5.5X zoom lens ensuring better definition image is available for option.
10. Experienced engineers to support reliable and in time service.
11. With 30+ software R&D team, RATIONAL is able to customize quickly and accurately according to the requirements of customers.
12. RATIONAL is also able to provide total solutions for measuring printing plate, silicon wafer, and silver paste thickness. Varieties of video measuring systems and interferometers are available to support different applications in the measuring of photovoltaic industry.
This solution has already been applied by dozens of solar printing plate makers since 2016. With its high measuring accuracy and convenience, it’s highly appreciated and sought after by the customers and operators as it does improve the efficiency and effectiveness significantly.